Spotify web player sign in
Spotify web player sign in

spotify web player sign in spotify web player sign in

In any case, if you suspect a stranger has infiltrated your account, here's how to handle it. It's so much more than just a minor annoyance! In some cases you may not have even been hacked, but simply left your account logged in by accident. Now imagine someone hacking into your Spotify account, rearranging your library, creating new playlists or locking you out by changing the password. And at the end of the year when Spotify sends out your personalized Wrapped roundup, you may even feel a frisson of excitement. Or perhaps you have a favorite podcast, or have even mastered all the cool tricks on the music streaming service. Many of you probably have playlists for the gym, meditation, road trips, household chores, parties or the ride to the grocery store. As an avid Spotify user, I hold my account – and my playlists – dear. Music streaming has become essential in helping listeners discover artists, access new releases or turn into homegrown DJs.

Spotify web player sign in